Setting up a development environment on a new machine to get everything just right, is time-consuming. Dotfiles repositories help a lot with…
Proxmox VE is a robust virtualization platform widely used in highly available clusters. In such environments, it is not uncommon for a…
This release introduces a new feature: remote orphan detection. Now you can use repo-find-orphans to find repositories on GitHub that are…
Many large projects, such as Android AOSP, use repo tools to manage thousands of small repositories that make up the project. The tool is…
Proxmox VE is a great virtualization platform for home labs and development environments. It's excellent for managing multiple experimental…
After a few years break, I'm trying again in 2024 to restart this blog. Let's see how it goes this time.
Codebreaker challenges are always fun and educational. This year's it was especially good. It span multiple areas reverse engineering and…
Our final task is to take over an Escrow contract and refund the money back to the victims who paid. After completing task 6, the solution…
In this task we are going to trick the attackers to reveal us the decryption key without paying any ransom. Before we dive in, it will help…
In this task we are asked to find out which hosts were infected on our network given the victim IDs we have discovered in Task 4. What do…
Now we need to find out who the the other victims are. To solve this task, we need to have some understanding of how blockchain works. Bef…
While solving Task 1, we didn't reverse engineer the CID function. This time we will. Again, we'' be using Radare. Looks like it uses epo…
In this task we are asked to examine the binary pieces left by ransomware and captured network traffic to extract the following information…
Let's look at Task 2 before doing Task 1. It is a much quicker and easier task, and it is a good warm-up practice in reverse engineering…
This task is really simple, all you need to do is download the given capture file and analyze it with a tool such as tcpdump or WireShark L…
Every year publishes a challenge to reverse engineer and exploit something. Past challenges involved disarming simulation of IED (improvised…
I haven't been posting regularly here for a very long time. We'll try to resume this blog. Let's see how long it's going to last this time…
I just put a quick transform script to convert outlines generated by OmniOutliner to MarkDown slide deck. The markdown is specific to Wiki2B…
Just released new version of AWS4C library. The new release includes support for S3 delete operation. Check the API Reference and example…
Just ported the RXTX library to the Android platform. Check out the picture below, it shows the Motorola Droid phone talking to the FreeNAS…
Just released new version of AWS4C library. The new release includes support for Reduced Redundancy Storage and some bug fixes related to…
There is an excellent tutorial by Nirnimesh on how to compile native programs for Android here…
Thanks to Henry N. for sending patches to the AWS4C library. I applied and tested them, hence the new release of the library. Here is the…
Believe it or not some people need to write programs to access Amazon Web Services in C. This project grew out of the conversion of my old…
Hadoop tutorial for Windows and Eclipse. Just posted a tutorial on how to configure Hadoop environment for Windows using CYGWIN. The…